New water monitor sets the trend for cleaner industrial discharges in SA

20 April 2011
Procon Environmental Technologies has launched one of the most accurate and internationally-recognised hydrocarbon water monitors to the South African market.
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application/msword iconNew water monitor sets the trend for cleaner industrial discharges in SA Press Release36.5 KBDownload

A revolutionary new fluorescence-based hydrocarbon water-monitoring system for industrial applications is being exclusively introduced to the South African market by leading environmental management expert, Procon Environmental Technologies.

The Turner Designs Hydrocarbon water monitor is being imported from the USA by Procon, in order to assist industries in keeping track of the hydrocarbon content of discharged water being pumped back into the environment.

Procon Chief Environmental Engineer Jacques Steyn explains that water monitors using fluorescence are capable of detecting hydrocarbons as low as 0.5 parts per million (ppm), and as high as 10 000 parts per million (ppm), depending on the application.

“Fluorescence monitors provide a measurement that is linear with hydrocarbon concentration, and is more accurate than laboratory methods used to report hydrocarbon concentration in plant discharge water.  Due to the fact that the system constantly measures oil concentration, the plants will be able to respond quickly to an upset.  The Lab tests are only representative of the one litre sample when it is taken, and not continuous like the monitor.  The plant cannot control a process off the lab samples because they can take up to a week to get a result” he explains.

Steyn notes that the state-of-the-art monitor is the ideal instrument for helping that manufacturers become compliant with the stringent new Waste Discharge Charge Policy, due to be enforced by the Department of Water Affairs within the next year.

“The hydrocarbon water monitor is a real-time monitoring system that provides up to 600-readings-per-minute. This makes it perfectly-suited for implementation in industrial operations when the new law comes into effect, as it encompasses a heavy penalty on businesses discharging a sub-standard quality of water from their site.”

Steyn points out that under the new legislation, industries discharging effluents such as oils and greases will be the most heavily-penalised by municipalities on a monthly basis. He does; however, note that companies will be rewarded for exceeding water-quality expectations.

“The new Discharge Act allows for a reduction in water costs to businesses that clean their discharged water to higher standard. This is a good principle as it encourages polluters to invest more money in treatment work. It is; therefore, essential to have some sort of water monitoring system,” he notes. “An additional benefit of the water monitor is that the plant can record all statistics relating to effluent discharges; thereby, enabling plants to show that discharge limits are not being exceeded.”

Steyn notes that the monitor works with an alarm system, and can automatically block the water from being discharged into the environment if discharge levels are exceeded.

He says: “Take for example a plant that can only discharge water with a hydrocarbon level of below 10 ppm. If these discharge limits are not met, the monitor will sound an alarm and provide a signal to change the direction of the water flow by means of an actuating valve – which immediately closes and then sends the water back to the plant for further treatment.”

What’s more, Steyn notes that the fluorescence monitor perfectly-compliments Procon’s existing range of MyCelx and Ultraspin water treatment systems. “If the discharge limits are exceeded, the water can be redirected back to the Ultraspin system, which will remove any free and emulsified oil. If the hydrocarbon levels are still too high following this process, the MyCelx polishing filtration system will ensure that any additional oils are removed.”

Although the initial purchase of the fluorescence monitor is capital-intensive the monitors will pay for themselves by reducing environmental discharge issues.  Steyn also points out that the operating costs are minimal, “The monitor pays for itself after the initial purchase.  The units are low maintenance with minimal consumables.”

Steyn also points out that South African legislation on water discharge is among the best in the world, and he believes that this has resulted in a large number of local industries becoming increasingly-aware that sustainable solutions on the treatment of waste water need to be implemented as a matter of urgency.

“As legislation both locally and globally continues to tighten, industries know that sustainable pollution-prevention strategies are key to ensuring long-term profit and growth in the future,” he continues.

Steyn notes that 2010 has been a year of success for Procon Technologies, and the company has managed to expand, despite the damaging effects of the recession. He says: “The past year has been positive for Procon, and the biggest challenge has, in fact, been to manage that growth. This success can be attributed to a superior product offering, combined with a strong marketing strategy, and an increase in environmental-awareness.”

Oil pollution has been the largest water-pollutant for centuries, and Steyn believes that the fluorescence hydrocarbon water monitor can play a major role in reducing this toxic discharge in industries including; petrochemical, mining, steel, glass and manufacturing.




Notes to the Editor
There are numerous photographs specific to this press release. Please visit and click the Procon Environmental Technologies link.



About Procon Environmental Technologies
Today more than ever before it is the responsibility of companies and their employees to be aware of pollution and its environmental consequences. While the first principle of environmental management is that prevention is better than cure – it is preferable to avoid creating pollution or nuisance at source than to seek to counteract the effects later on – accidents and spills do happen.

It is for this reason that Procon Environmental Technologies was established in 1993. We offer a full scope of Environmental Products & Technologies, specializing in systems that minimize the impact of contamination on the environment and surrounding areas. The company has secured exclusive partnerships with international companies that are world leaders in their field of expertise.

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Marketing Manager

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