New fuel overflow protection system greatly reduces wastage and costs

27 November 2013
Mining operations in South Africa can dramatically reduce their environmental impact while ensuring substantial savings on diesel, by installing an advanced range of Hydrau-Flo valves onto their fast-fill fuelling systems for heavy duty equipment.
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Overfilling, spillage and tank ruptures are a persistent challenge in the international mining sector, where large fast-fill fuelling systems pump diesel at up to 1 000 ℓ/min. An ineffective overflow protection solution could therefore equate to more than 16 ℓ of diesel being spilled per second - resulting in considerable environmental damage, in addition to higher costs related to wastage and downtime.

The Hydrau-Flo fuel filling valve system is manufactured by Australian-based mineral process equipment manufacturer Weir, and leading environmental management expert Procon Environmental Technologies was appointed as an authorised distributor of the range in August 2013.

According to Procon managing director Andy Miller, a single mining operation could save anywhere between R1-million and R5-million per year by adopting the Hydrau-Flo range, thanks to its proven zero-spillage capabilities. "Hydrau-Flo features advanced zero-spillage technology which substantially minimises safety and environmental hazards associated with fuel transfer."

Although new to the South African market, Miller adds that Hydrau-Flo has been tried-and-tested in Australia since its introduction in 1997. "The product has gained unprecedented popularity during this time as a result of its zero-spillage capabilities. This is clearly evident in the fact that approximately 80 percent of all heavy mining equipment in Australia is now fitted with Hydrau-Flo."

Miller reveals that Hydrau-Flo is a considerably safer and more effective alternative to industry standard pressurised overflow systems. "In these types of systems, the pressure does not entirely prevent spillage, but rather slows it down. What's more, a large build-up of pressure could result in rupture, with significantly high fuel wastage and the risk of injury to personnel."

Although similar products are currently available in the local market, Miller states that Hydrau-Flo is the only system that boasts zero-spillage and a three year warrantee. "Hydrau-Flo is of greater quality than any similar offerings, and the unrivalled warranty is clear proof of this. It is also the only system of its kind that cannot be overridden by the operator, which ensures no human error."

Miller indicates that the first installed Hydrau-Flo system in South Africa is currently being used on a trial basis at a coal mine in Mpumalanga. "Procon was able to install the systems on all the relevant mining equipment within an hour and, since officially adopting Hydrau-Flo, the client has reported that spillage has been entirely eliminated," he continues.

As part of the trial project, university students who have obtained bursaries through the mine are currently calculating the amount of spillage that occurred before the implementation of Hydrau-Flo, in order to quantify an exact return on investment (ROI). Miller points out that he is confident of the outcome. "The results are expected by the end of 2013 and, judging by the overwhelmingly positive response received by the onsite engineers to date, I believe that the ROI will be highly competitive."

Despite the proven advantages of Hydrau-Flo, Miller admits that it will be a challenge promoting a new product in a volatile mining market. "Commodity prices are not faring particularly well, and this is prompting mines to reduce expenditure. The long term cost savings of Hydrau-Flo have been proven in international markets, and will we use this as our main focal point moving forward."


Notes to the Editor
There are numerous photographs specific to this press release. Please visit and click the Procon Environmental Technologies link.

About Procon Environmental Technologies
Today more than ever before it is the responsibility of companies and their employees to be aware of pollution and its environmental consequences. While the first principle of environmental management is that prevention is better than cure, accidents and spills do happen. It is for this reason that Procon Environmental Technologies was established in 1993. We offer a full scope of Environmental Products & Technologies, specialising in systems that minimise the impact of contamination on the environment and surrounding areas. The company has secured exclusive partnerships with international companies that are world leaders in their field of expertise.

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